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Klimatorium - when architecture and climate protection is intertwined

Denmark's international Climate Center

The new climate center in Lemvig has two of the country's foremost architects combining pragmatic architecture with local nature design and integrated flood protection.

Denmark's international climate center, Klimatorium, on the waterfront in Lemvig, is a forum for knowledge, education, innovation and development projects within utility services and climate change. The new building will support Denmark's role as an exporter of climate solutions and help establish Lemvig and the Central Jutland Region as a center for climate adaptation. Behind the project are 3XN and SLA, whose design is based on Lemvig's historic boat building halls, in the magnificent nature by the Limfjord and in the harbor's strong communities.

Klimatorium's architectural main grip is pragmatic with a choice of materials kept in wood, concrete and steel. The house's landmark is a "wave" of wood that rises above the main entrance and forms an easily recognizable landmark. The motif is inspired by Lemvig's characteristic fishing boats and is a tribute to the area's cultural history and local building customs. A key design element has been to create an inviting building with clear references to the function of the house and to the location by the harbor in Lemvig. The clinker-covered wave of wood gives the house a strong identity and is both inside and out a gathering point and social meeting place for Klimatorium's employees, guests, and local citizens.

At the same time, the construction is an integral part of climate protection in Lemvig and at the port itself. The landscape is structured along meteorological isobar lines, which represent the prevailing wind conditions in Lemvig - which sometimes leads to floods. This motif interacts with the skater park's soft lines and forms an intuitive route through the landscape. The climate wedge is designed to create comfortable, protected spaces for leisure use. The vegetation is based exclusively on local plants that thrive in the coastal environment and require a minimum of care. The climate wedge functions as an outdoor space where the staff at Klimatorium can perform experiments and give the city a new urban space for visitors on the waterfront.

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