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Energy efficient and reusable radiators
Hudevad design radiator

Guide to choosing a radiator


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It's important to consider several factors when you're faced with choosing a new radiator. This includes the size of the area to be heated, but also the quality of the home's insulation. Learn more about the right time to replace radiators, which size is optimal, and design choices. Additionally, where it is most optimal to place the radiator to maximize heat utilization.


When Should I Replace My Radiator?

Radiators can last up to a century if they are of good quality. However, there can be a greater economic advantage to replacing them, as new radiators are more energy-efficient. In some cases, it may be advantageous to replace several smaller radiators with a larger one. A larger radiator provides better heat utilization. Old radiators can become less efficient over time due to deposits inside the radiator. Often, older radiators are also painted several times, which is primarily cosmetic. Radiators are often replaced during renovations, and here it is obvious to look closer at a new design radiator.

Today, radiators are often placed under windows. The placement of the radiator has varied over time, and in older houses, we often see that they are placed in the middle of a wall or next to the door. The radiator is often a larger and more cumbersome model than one would choose today. Replacing and relocating them to a position under the window, where they work most efficiently, can be a good idea. Relocations are, of course, only possible during renovations.

As mentioned earlier, it becomes most relevant to invest in new radiators if you are renovating, adding on, or building entirely new. However, it can also be obvious if you change the heating method or energy source. For example, when switching from a gas furnace to a heat pump, or when replacing an older furnace, larger radiators may be necessary to ensure adequate heating, as many modern systems operate at lower temperatures and require a larger surface for efficient heat distribution.

The final choice of a radiator depends primarily on the location.


What Models of Waterborne Radiators Are There?

Waterborne radiators come in a wide range of sizes and designs. There are models with a smooth front and models with fins or slats for increased heat emission. Here at Hudevad, you have the opportunity to get the design radiator you dream of, as we sell radiators in many different shapes and designs. We can also make several of our models to your custom dimensions.

Our selection includes everything from tall and narrow radiators. Some are perfect for placement next to a door, others are low and wide and ideally fit in front of large window sections. Placing the radiator in front of windows, it may be smart to choose a convector or a radiator bench that also functions as furniture. It can also be a low column radiator that acts as a railing and is designed so that sunlight can still pass through. In the bathroom, a radiator with a towel rail or hooks is a practical choice that adds extra functionality.

A radiator is available in many colors. While white is the most common for radiators, it is possible to order them in different colors to match your desire.


Where Should the Radiator Be Placed?

The ideal place to mount a radiator is under the windows. This is because, even with the most energy-efficient windows, a cold bridge occurs between the cold window surface outside and the warm room inside. Cold air will always move downward while warm air rises. By placing the radiator under the window, an upward stream of warm air is created, which effectively displaces the cold air.

This creates an even circulation in the room and provides a more uniform heating and reduces problems like cold air at the floor level.

If it is not possible to place the radiator directly under a window, the next best solution is to place it next to the window. If the current radiators are mounted on the inner walls, moving these to the outer walls can significantly improve comfort.


How Big Should My Radiator Be?

The size of a radiator is crucial for how effectively it can heat a room. Here you can find help to calculate the size of your radiator in our Hudevad radiator guide, which you can find here. You can, of course, also have a plumber make this calculation. There are several points to consider.

Especially in houses heated with heat pumps or geothermal heating, there may be a need for larger radiators. This is because heat pumps and geothermal systems typically have a lower flow temperature compared to traditional heating systems. Where district heating often works with a flow temperature of around 65-60 degrees, the temperature for a heat pump often lies around 50 degrees.

Avoid covering the radiator to achieve the most efficient use of the heat. Large furniture should therefore not be placed directly in front of the radiator. If you wish to hide your radiators, this can be done with a radiator cover, but ensure that air circulation is not blocked.

When the radiator is mounted under a window, you should also pay attention to sufficient distance to the window sill for optimal air circulation. We recommend a minimum of 10 cm distance.


Advantages of Radiators Over Underfloor Heating

  • The placement of radiators under windows can effectively reduce drafts, as the cold air coming from the windows is heated and rises into the room.
  • Radiators with thermostats quickly adapt to the room's temperature.
  • Radiators fit well with traditional central heating systems.
  • It can be difficult to install underfloor heating in older buildings.
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